Navigating Probation in Pima County

Navigating the criminal justice system can be daunting, especially when you find yourself at the receiving end of a sentence.

For individuals sentenced for crimes charged initially as felonies in the Pima County Superior Court, probation carries its own challenges. The gravity of these challenges becomes crystal clear when considering the potential consequence for non-compliance: judges commonly incarcerate probation violators in the Department of Corrections.

If placed on probation, you must understand and commit to the Uniform Conditions of Supervised Probation. You'll need to read these terms and sign off, indicating your acknowledgment and agreement. Here's what you need to know about these conditions:

Law Abiding Behavior

On probation, you must maintain a crime-free lifestyle by obeying all laws and refraining from participating in any criminal activity. You're prohibited from possessing or controlling stun guns, tasers, firearms, ammunition, or deadly or prohibited weapons as defined in A.R.S. § 13-3101. It's mandatory to report any law enforcement contact to the adult probation department within 72 hours. If deported or processed through voluntary departure, all conditions remain in effect.

Reporting to Probation

You must report to the adult probation department within 72 hours of sentencing, absolute discharge from prison, release from incarceration, or residential treatment, and continue to report as directed. Keeping the adult probation department updated about your progress toward case plan goals is also mandatory.


Your residence will be subject to unannounced visits by the adult probation department, and you must get prior approval from them before changing residence. If you're planning to leave the state or county, you must obtain written permission from the adult probation department first.

Treatment, Behavior Change,

Pro-Social Activities

Probation also includes active participation and cooperation in counseling or assistance programs as required by the adult probation department. Abstinence from illegal drugs or controlled substances is mandatory, as is submitting to drug and alcohol tests. Associating with individuals with criminal records or engaging in criminal behavior is also restricted.

Special Requirements

Some probation conditions include completing a prescribed number of community restitution hours or serving a specific amount of jail time. You may also be required to avoid contact with the victim(s) in any form unless approved in writing by the adult probation department. Special conditions apply to intensive probation, domestic violence, mental health, sex offender, drug court, DUI, and gang-related cases.

Understanding these conditions is vital; a seasoned criminal defense attorney can guide you on what to expect on probation. In some cases, your defense attorney can advocate for removing or modifying terms that may be inappropriate, given the individual offender or the offense charged.

If you've been charged with any felony or misdemeanor offense in Pima County courts, it is crucial to seek experienced legal representation. Amanda Bynum, a renowned criminal defense attorney at AJB Law Firm, LLC, has built a reputation for her compassion, excellent litigation, and negotiation skills. She is committed to assisting clients through the complexities of the criminal justice system and advocating for their rights. Don't hesitate to contact AJB Law Firm today for a free consultation. Your future depends on it.


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