Protecting Juveniles from Adult Prisons

In the realm of criminal law, the issue of juveniles being sentenced to adult prisons is a complex and controversial one. Attorney Amanda Bynum of AJB Law Firm in Tucson, Arizona, has dedicated her career to criminal defense in Pima County and is deeply passionate about this issue.

Juveniles' brains are still developing. This makes them particularly vulnerable to the harsh realities of adult prison. Instead of focusing on rehabilitation and education – vital for their long-term growth and reduction of future criminal behavior – adult prisons subject juveniles to increased risks of violence, abuse, and neglect.

Attorney Amanda Bynum, a skilled Tucson-based criminal defense attorney, has witnessed the damaging effects of adult prisons on juveniles. The absence of necessary resources, treatment programs, and educational opportunities in these facilities often hinders rehabilitation and leads to higher recidivism rates.

Indeed, Arizona law allows for children as young as 14 to be tried as adults, a practice Attorney Bynum argues against. She firmly believes in the need for a different approach to juvenile justice: one that addresses the root causes of delinquency, provides appropriate mental health services, and prioritizes skill-building and education over punitive measures.

Statistics back up Bynum’s assertions. Reports indicate that juveniles in adult prisons are five times more likely to be sexually assaulted and 36 percent more likely to commit suicide than those in juvenile facilities. Therefore, the need for a shift in our justice system's approach is not merely a moral argument but also a practical one.

Attorney Bynum believes in utilizing community-based programs and interventions to tackle the root causes of juvenile criminal behavior. These interventions have been proven to significantly reduce reoffending rates, thus enhancing public safety and fostering healthier communities.

If you need a juvenile defense attorney in Tucson, Arizona, who knows the ins and outs of representing juveniles tried as adults, consider Attorney Amanda Bynum at AJB Law Firm. With her extensive expertise and unwavering dedication, she is committed to advocating for your child's rights and future.

Do not let your child face the adult justice system alone. Contact AJB Law Firm and schedule a consultation with Attorney Amanda Bynum today. Allow her to use her expertise to ensure your child receives the justice they deserve."


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