The Role and Responsibility of the Client

Successfully navigating the intricacies of the legal process requires both the dedication of an experienced attorney and the client's active participation. Here's a comprehensive guide to help clients understand their responsibilities and ensure the most favorable outcome:

1. Always Stay Connected:

  • Keep open communication with your attorney. Our office operates from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays (excluding holidays). You can always call, text, or email to communicate with your attorney.

  • If your attorney is unavailable, the support staff may have the answers you seek. Always check with them when your attorney is out.

  • Clients at the Pima County jail have a direct line to our office. While court usually occurs between 8:30 and 10 am, they often visit the jail in the afternoons. If you're out of custody, connect with your attorney promptly.

2. Be Proactively Engaged:

  • Assisting in the preparation of your defense can be pivotal. If your attorney sends you documents, scrutinize them and annotate any questions or observations.

  • Protect all documents that come from your attorney. Never share these, especially within the jail where information can be exploited.

  • Help your attorney locate potential witnesses. Our professional investigators will reach out and connect with them. Always collaborate with these investigators.

3. Preserve Your Situation:

  • Discuss your case only with your attorney or their designated staff. Avoid sharing details with friends or family, as they could be summoned as witnesses.

  • Do not get in trouble! Exercise caution with your social circle.

  • Refrain from alcohol or drug use. If you need assistance with addiction, consult your attorney for referral services. The court views proactive steps toward rehabilitation favorably.

  • Follow all pretrial release conditions, particularly regarding travel restrictions and maintaining contact with Pretrial Services.

  • Never approach the victim or revisit the crime scene without explicit legal permission.

4. Make a Positive Impression:

  • Dress appropriately when attending court. Avoid casual attire like jeans, T-shirts, or shorts.

  • Maintain decorum. Address judges as "Your Honor" and display respect to all at court. Avoid slang, slouching, gum chewing, or excessive body jewelry in court settings.

  • If asked or advised to attend counseling, always comply. Personal betterment can sway opinions in your favor.

5. Partner with Your Attorney:

  • You have the final say on pivotal decisions like proceeding to trial, accepting a plea deal, and deciding if you'll testify.

  • However, trust your attorney on tactical decisions, such as which motions to file or witnesses to call.

  • Sentencing laws in Pima County can be stringent, making choices tough and stressful. While your attorney will shoulder much of this burden, remain active in your defense.

Final Note: You can only discuss your case with your attorney or their designated staff. Please don't talk with anyone else. This ensures confidentiality and guards against potential complications.

Your active participation and our legal expertise maximize the chances of a favorable outcome.


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