Why is my license suspended when I am still innocent until proven guilty of DUI?
In Arizona, when you get your license, you agree that you will lose your license if you are arrested for DUI. (You probably didn’t read the small print, no one does).
The law says that if an officer arrests you for DUI, and law enforcement gets your breath or blood pursuant to Admin per se, then your license will be suspended if the results are above a .08 or a prohibited drug is detected. Your license will also be suspended if results are not available, and you do not ask for a hearing.

Driving Under the Influence in Arizona Comes with Serious Consequences
If you’ve been stopped for driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug, it can be a terrifying experience. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a Class 1 Misdemeanor, but unlike many other Misdemeanor crimes, a conviction for DUI comes with mandatory jail time, fines, license consequences, and other collateral consequences.