Release to Pretrial Services in Pima County

What Defendants Should Know

Navigating the criminal justice system can be daunting. One essential aspect defendants may encounter is Pretrial Services in Pima County. Understanding its role and operations can make a difference in one's journey through the legal system.

What is Pretrial Services (PTS)?
With the Arizona Superior Court in Pima County, Pretrial Services plays a pivotal role in assessing a pretrial defendant's eligibility and suitability for release. They operate at the intersection of legal supervision and community support.

Key Functions of Pretrial Services:

  1. Assessment: Located at the Pima County Adult Detention Center, the Assessment Office interviews defendants, verifies information with references, and conducts criminal history background checks to evaluate individual cases.

  2. Supervised Release: Offering an alternative to continued detention, the Supervised Release team keeps tabs on a defendant’s behavior throughout the pretrial phase, ensuring adherence to court-ordered conditions and making relevant referrals for service needs.

  3. Case Processing Resources: For those released to PTS, resources are available, ranging from transportation to behavioral health or substance abuse services and even assistance with AHCCCS enrollment.

  4. Post-Initial Appearance: The Supervised Release team assumes responsibility after the initial hearing. This involves consistent monitoring of the defendant and conducting post-initial appearance investigations.

  5. Supervision: Adopting a community corrections model, PTS takes on third-party custody for defendants who need monitoring and support referrals to comply with release conditions. Each defendant undergoes a needs assessment, after which they are given an appropriate supervision level. On-site toxicological tests are administered, and referrals to community agencies are made as needed. If a defendant breaches any court-ordered condition, the judge is notified, and release conditions may be adjusted.

  6. Investigations: Defendants held on a financial bond post-initial appearance undergo a sequential evaluation. If situations change or new information surfaces that affects a defendant's release conditions, PTS will compile an updated report for the court. When defendants miss a court date, PTS will attempt to contact them to arrange a surrender on the warrant.

If you are released to Pretrial Services, it's crucial to maintain open communication with your assigned Pretrial Services Officer. They're not just overseeing your release conditions but are also a vital resource in guiding you through the pretrial process.

Engaging with Pretrial Services in Pima County can be critical to a defendant's legal journey. Ensuring adherence to their guidance and leveraging their resources can help achieve a more favorable outcome.

Remember, while Pretrial Services offers guidance and support, having a knowledgeable defense attorney by your side is invaluable. If you or a loved one are navigating the complexities of the legal system in Pima County, always consider seeking professional legal counsel to safeguard your rights and best interests.


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