Health Conditions in Criminal Defense

When faced with criminal charges, every piece of information counts, even those related to a defendant’s health. At AJB Law Firm, LLC, we understand the impact of health conditions on criminal defense and mitigation and are deeply empathetic to many of our clients' struggles. However, it's essential to understand what role health conditions can—and cannot—play in your defense. This post aims to shed some light on this complex issue.

Why Health Conditions Matter

Health conditions can be a crucial part of your defense strategy. Based on compelling health evidence, we have successfully argued for pre-trial release or more lenient sentences. Given the concerning number of inmate deaths in Pima County Jail, judges are particularly attentive to serious health conditions when setting bail or considering sentences.

Collect All Relevant Medical Information

If you or a family member have a health condition relevant to the case, please share it with us immediately. Letters from healthcare providers, medical records, and other evidence can be invaluable for building a comprehensive defense strategy.

But Why Isn't It Enough?

Many clients faced with crimes suffer from serious health issues and want to know if their medical condition can help them to avoid incarceration.

Here's the tough truth: while health conditions are essential for a comprehensive defense strategy, they are often not dispositive in criminal cases. Several factors contribute to this:

  1. Public Interest: Judges and prosecutors must consider the well-being and safety of the community, not just the defendant.

  2. Legal Precedents and Guidelines: The law requires judges to treat each case fairly and consistently, limiting the weight given to personal circumstances like health issues.

  3. Scope of Judicial Discretion: Particularly for serious crimes, judges may have limited flexibility in handing down sentences that deviate significantly from statutory guidelines.

  4. Severity of the Crime: The more severe the charges, the less likely health issues will dramatically impact the case's outcome.

What Can You Expect?

While we will vigorously present all health-related evidence on your behalf, it's crucial to have realistic expectations. Your health conditions may result in some leniency but are unlikely to lead to a complete dismissal or significant reduction in charges, especially for serious offenses.

Your Role and Ours

You should continue to provide us with any and all medical evidence that could aid your case. Our role, in turn, is to use this evidence as effectively as possible, within the bounds of the law, to fight for the best outcome for you. We are your advocates, but it's essential to understand that we operate within a legal system with its rules and limitations.


Health conditions can be a meaningful part of your defense but are rarely a silver bullet. At AJB Law Firm, LLC, we are committed to fighting for your best possible outcome, considering every piece of relevant evidence, including your health conditions. As we navigate your defense together, transparency and setting realistic expectations are key to a collaborative attorney-client relationship.


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