Trademarking a Slogan: The What, Why, and How

In this entrepreneurship economy where branding is king, having a unique and memorable slogan can set your business apart from competitors. But how can you ensure that your brilliantly crafted slogan remains distinctly yours? This is where trademarking comes into play.

Can You Trademark a Slogan?

Yes, you can trademark a slogan. A trademark protects against unauthorized use of a particular sign, symbol, word, or phrase connected with products or services. If you have a catchphrase that represents your business, products, or services, it can be trademarked, provided it meets specific criteria.

Why Trademark a Slogan?

  1. Protection from Unauthorized Use: Without a trademark, competitors might use a slogan similar to yours, confusing customers.

  2. Business Identity: A unique slogan enhances brand recall. It signifies your business's values and offerings.

  3. Legal Recourse: With a trademarked slogan, you have legal grounds to challenge others infringe on your rights.

Is Your Slogan Trademarkable?

Before diving into the trademarking process, ensure your slogan is eligible:

  1. Distinctiveness: General phrases or overly descriptive slogans are harder to trademark. Your slogan should be unique to your brand.

  2. No Conflicts: Ensure no other business has already trademarked a similar slogan in your industry.

  3. Avoid Generic or Descriptive Terms: “The Best Coffee” might be a proud declaration but lacks the distinctiveness required for trademarking.

Concerns When Trademarking a Slogan

  1. Linguistic Nuances: Slight changes in wording can make or break a trademark application.

  2. International Implications: If you do business globally, understanding international trademark laws becomes vital.

  3. Duration & Renewal: Trademarks don't last forever. They require renewals.

  4. Potential Infringement: After obtaining a trademark, you need to keep an eye out for potential infringements and act accordingly.

How Can an Attorney Assist?

  1. Navigating the Application: An attorney can guide you through the complex U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) application process.

  2. Conducting a Thorough Search: Before application, it’s pivotal to search existing trademarks to avoid conflicts. An attorney has tools and expertise to conduct comprehensive searches.

  3. Legal Expertise: Trademark laws can be intricate. An attorney's expertise ensures that you're not just applying, but applying right.

What to Expect in the Process

  1. Timeline: After submitting your application to the USPTO, it usually takes several months (currently about a year!) before an examining attorney reviews it. From start to finish, if there are no major hiccups, the process might take anywhere from 8 months to several years.

  2. Examination: The USPTO's examining attorney will review the application, ensuring it meets all requirements.

  3. Potential Opposition: Once approved by the examining attorney, the trademark is published in the Official Gazette, giving others a chance to oppose it. If there's no opposition, the application proceeds further.

The Value of Hiring an Attorney

Going solo might seem like a cost-saving measure, but the value of an experienced attorney is immeasurable. They can:

  • Minimize Rejections: Avoid common mistakes that lead to application rejections.

  • Save Time & Money: While there's an upfront cost, an attorney can save you from costly legal troubles down the road.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing a professional is handling your trademark allows you to focus on other business aspects.


Trademarking a slogan is more than just legal protection; it's about securing your brand's identity in the competitive market. While the process may seem daunting, an experienced attorney can guide you, ensuring that your unique slogan remains unequivocally yours.


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