Crafting a Written Statement to Request Lifting a No-Contact Order

A no-contact order can offer protection, but there are situations where both parties might wish to lift this order for various reasons. The circumstances have changed, or maybe you feel that the order is causing more harm than good. Whatever the case, if you're an alleged victim seeking to lift a no-contact order, one effective avenue is to submit a written statement to the court. This blog post aims to guide you through this intricate process.

Key Elements of a Written Statement

1. Formal Structure

Adhere to a formal letter structure, including the date, recipient (usually the judge and prosecutor), your full name, and case number.

2. Introduction

Start by identifying yourself and the reason for the letter. Briefly mention your relationship with the accused and that you wish to request the lifting of the no-contact order.

3. Changes in Circumstance

Detail any changes in circumstances that warrant lifting the order. For example, have both parties undergone counseling? Was the incident isolated and unlikely to reoccur?

4. Emotional and Psychological Impact

Discuss how the no-contact order has affected you emotionally and psychologically. Are there children involved who are adversely affected by the separation?

5. Safety Measures

Explain any safety measures or agreements in place that would protect both parties should the no-contact order be lifted.

6. The Wider Picture

Discuss how the order impacts your family unit, jobs, and other broader aspects of life to build a case for why lifting it would benefit everyone involved.

7. Direct Request

Conclude by making a direct request for the no-contact order to be lifted, modified, or reviewed.

8. Attachments and Supporting Documents

Mention any documents you're attaching, such as statements from a therapist or other character references.

9. Professional Closing

Close the letter professionally with a "Sincerely" followed by your name and if applicable, your attorney’s name and contact information.

Final Thoughts

Writing a well-structured and focused statement can make a significant difference when requesting the lifting of a no-contact order. Emphasize facts, changed circumstances, and the impact of the order on your life. By carefully crafting your written statement, you increase the court's chances of favorably considering your request.

Before submitting your statement, have it reviewed by a legal professional familiar with it. They can offer you specific guidance and catch any elements that may negatively affect your case.

Remember, the final decision lies with the judge, but a compelling written statement can go a long way in making sure your voice is heard and your wishes are considered.


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