Changes to the Pima County Jail Home Detention Program

Understanding the Impact

As a dedicated member of the Tucson legal community, it's important for us at AJB Law Firm to keep our clients and the community informed about significant changes in local legal processes. One such change has recently affected the Pima County Jail's home detention program, specifically related to jail sentences from Pima County Justice Court. 


The Home Detention Program Since 2020

Since 2020, defendants serving jail time from Pima County Justice Court have had the opportunity to participate in a grant-funded home detention program. This program allowed participants to serve 100% of their sentence under home detention, significantly reducing the physical jail population and contributing to a more efficient court system.

This home detention program was not about being lenient but about serving justice more effectively and humanely. Participants were subject to strict monitoring, including mandatory breath tests for alcohol four times a day for a minimum of five days. They were also required to adhere to strict monitoring between work and home, and always wear an ankle bracelet. This rigorous oversight ensured that the program was not a way to escape punishment but was a structured, disciplined alternative to traditional incarceration. The program director did an exceptional job in implementing these measures, ensuring that the program supported the individuals involved and moved cases through the justice system more efficiently.

The Shift in 2023

However, in November 2023, the Pima County Attorney's Office raised concerns about this program. According to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 11-251.15, a sentenced individual must serve at least 20% of their sentence in custody before being eligible for home detention. As it operated, the Pima County Jail program allowed individuals to bypass this requirement, raising legal and procedural questions.

Current State of the Home Detention Program

As a result of these concerns, the program has been altered. Now, any individual sentenced in Pima County must serve at least 20% of their sentence in a traditional jail setting before they become eligible for home detention. This change marks a significant shift from the previous system and impacts how sentences are served in our community.

Our Perspective and Legal Assistance

At AJB Law Firm, while we understand the legal basis for this change, we also recognize the benefits the original program brought to our justice system and community. The efficiency and humane aspects of home detention must be considered. Our team is committed to navigating these changes and advocating for our client's rights and best interests.

If you or a loved one are facing legal challenges that may involve jail time, it's crucial to understand how these changes might affect your case. We encourage you to contact us for personalized legal advice and representation. Our experience in criminal defense and deep understanding of local legal systems position us uniquely to provide the support and guidance you need during these challenging times.

Educating and Empowering Our Community

As part of our commitment to legal education and community empowerment, we will continue to provide updates and insights into such significant legal changes. Stay tuned to our website for more information, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.


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