Navigating Arizona's Sentencing Guidelines

Why You Need a Skilled Tucson Criminal Defense Attorney

Are you or a loved one facing criminal charges in Tucson, Arizona? If so, it's crucial to understand Arizona's complex sentencing guidelines and the possible legal strategies that can be employed. One of these strategies could be accepting a plea offer.

But how can you know if this is the best decision in your case?

The key is securing the guidance of a skilled Tucson criminal defense attorney.

Understanding Arizona's Sentencing Guidelines

Arizona's sentencing guidelines are multi-faceted and vary considerably based on the crime's nature and the offender's prior criminal history. Here are some important points to consider:

1. Mandatory Sentencing:

In Arizona, certain crimes carry mandatory minimum sentencing laws. This means that for serious offenses such as violent crimes, sexual assault, and certain drug offenses, a judge is mandated to impose a prison term, even for a first offender.  On the other hand, first time drug offenses are oftentimes probation-mandatory.

2. Prior Convictions:

If a person has prior felony convictions, their sentence for a new felony will be harsher under the guidelines. Arizona law sets out different sentencing ranges depending on various factors, including prior criminal history.

3. Repeat Offenders:

With every prior felony conviction, the mandatory sentencing range gets higher and higher.  This also puts repeat offenders in a poor bargaining position pre-trial because of such a high exposure from the get-go.

The Role of Plea Deals in Your Case

Given these strict sentencing laws, accepting a plea deal may be in your best interest. Here's why:

1. Reduced Sentence:

Prosecutors often offer a reduced sentence in exchange for a guilty plea. This can be a good strategy when the evidence against you is strong and conviction at trial is likely.

2. Certainty:

A plea deal provides certainty, reducing the risk of a jury finding you guilty and a judge imposing a harsher sentence than what's offered in the plea deal.

3. Avoid Trial:

Trials can be lengthy, costly, and emotionally draining. Accepting a plea deal can help you resolve your case faster and less stressfully.

4. Control:

A plea deal gives you a degree of control over the outcome of your case. Unlike the unpredictable outcomes of a trial, you can negotiate the terms of the deal and know what sentence you'll receive.

Why You Need a Skilled Tucson Criminal Defense Attorney

The complexity of Arizona's sentencing guidelines and the complex decisions involved in negotiating plea deals underscore the need for experienced legal counsel. A skilled Tucson criminal defense attorney can:

  • Provide clarity on Arizona's complex sentencing laws.

  • Weigh the strength of the evidence against you.

  • Advise you on the possible outcomes of your case.

  • Help negotiate a plea deal if it's in your best interest.

  • Advocate for you if your case goes to trial.

Accepting a plea deal means giving up certain rights, including the right to a trial and appeal. Therefore, such decisions should not be made lightly but in consultation with a trusted legal advisor.

If you're facing criminal charges in Tucson, Arizona, don't navigate these challenging waters alone. Seek the help of a proficient criminal defense attorney to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.


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