Admin Per Se Hearings: Lessons from New Mexico

When a DUI arrest happens, it’s not just the criminal charges that you need to worry about. In Arizona, just like in many other states, we have Admin Per Se Laws that immediately impact your driving privileges. If you’ve been arrested for a DUI, you have 30 days to request a hearing, which will stay the license suspension until the hearing can be held. Understanding the importance of this hearing and having a skilled attorney by your side can make all the difference.

I recently came across an article from KRQE News 13 that highlighted a significant issue in New Mexico's DUI administrative hearings. The data revealed that in 2023, law enforcement officers failed to show up for nearly 40% of the hearings, resulting in hundreds of accused intoxicated drivers retaining their licenses. This situation underscores the critical role that due process plays in DUI cases and highlights why you need an experienced DUI defense attorney to navigate these complexities.

The Importance of Due Process in DUI Cases

In Arizona, the process of taking away someone’s license is separate from the criminal DUI case. When you are arrested for DUI or refuse to submit to a blood or breath test, the police will confiscate your license and issue an order of suspension if you do not request a hearing.

The hearing is where it gets interesting. If the officer who arrested you fails to appear at this hearing, as seen in New Mexico's cases, the case against you often falls apart. In Arizona, similar scenarios occur, and some hearings are won simply because the officer doesn’t show up. This is where the expertise of a DUI defense attorney becomes invaluable.

Navigating the Administrative Hearing with an Attorney

An attorney can advise you on the pros and cons of proceeding with a hearing. They understand the nuances of these cases and can often predict the likelihood of the officer attending the hearing. If the officer does not appear, the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) may not be able to meet its burden of proof, resulting in your license being reinstated.

A skilled DUI attorney will:

  • Evaluate Your Case: They will review the details of your arrest and the evidence against you to provide tailored advice.

  • Represent You at the Hearing: Having a legal expert who can challenge the evidence and cross-examine witnesses can significantly improve your chances of retaining your driving privileges.

  • Advocate for Your Rights: Your attorney will ensure that due process is followed and that you receive a fair hearing.

Real-World Implications

The article from KRQE highlights that this issue isn’t just theoretical. In New Mexico, Albuquerque Police Department officers failed to show up to a large percentage of their administrative hearings in 2023. The result? Hundreds of drivers kept their licenses, highlighting the importance of these hearings and the role of legal representation.

Despite best efforts to streamline the process, including issuing subpoenas and scheduling multiple hearings on one day to accommodate officers, challenges remain. The attendance issue is a persistent problem, with some departments performing better than others.

Why Choose an Experienced DUI Defense Attorney?

Navigating the complexities of DUI cases and administrative hearings is challenging. An experienced DUI defense attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. They understand the system, know how to exploit its weaknesses, and will fight for your rights every step of the way.

If you’re facing a DUI charge in Arizona, don’t navigate the MVD consequences alone. Contact an experienced DUI defense attorney who can guide you through the process and help protect your driving privileges. Your future on the road may depend on it.


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